Deploy zkNode
Continue with the fourth step of this deployment-guide where you deploy the zkNode.
zkNode deployment¶
First, create the following directories:
mkdir -p ~/zkevm/data/{statedb,pooldb} ~/zkevm/zkevm-config ~/zkevm/zkevm-node
Next, populate the directories by fetching data from latest node releases, for example with mainnet:
export ZKEVM_NET="mainnet"
export ZKEVM_DIR="zkevm"
curl -L$ > $ && unzip -o $ -d $ZKEVM_DIR && rm $
Copy the example.env
file into .env
file and open in editor:
export ZKEVM_CONFIG_DIR="/root/zkevm/zkevm-config"
cp ~/$ZKEVM_DIR/$ZKEVM_NET/example.env $ZKEVM_CONFIG_DIR/.env
In the .env
file, set:
ZKEVM_NODE_ETHERMAN_URL = "http://localhost:8845" # set valid Geth Goerli RPC endpoint
ZKEVM_NODE_STATEDB_DATA_DIR = "~/zkevm/data/statedb"
ZKEVM_NODE_POOLDB_DATA_DIR = "~/zkevm/data/pooldb"
Approve MATIC token for sequencer¶
Run the below command to launch a Hardhat console connected to the Goerli network.
cd ~/zkevm-contracts
npx hardhat console --network goerli
Here, you can utilize the JavaScript environment to interact with the Goerli network. In the console, run the following (you can copy all the code in one go):
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider("http://localhost:8845"); // set Geth Goerli RPC node
const privateKey = ""; // From wallet.txt Trusted Sequencer prvkey
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
const maticTokenFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(
maticTokenContract = maticTokenFactory.attach(""); // From ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json maticTokenAddress
maticTokenContractWallet = maticTokenContract.connect(wallet);
await maticTokenContractWallet.approve("", ethers.utils.parseEther("100.0")); // From ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json polygonZkEVMAddress
Configure genesis¶
Run the below commands to copy genesis.json
file into appropriate location and open for editing:
cp ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/genesis.json ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/testnet/public.genesis.config.json
vim ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/testnet/public.genesis.config.json
Edit the file changing the following parameters from ~/zkevm/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_***/deploy_output.json
. Keep in mind that genesisBlockNumber
is called deploymentBlockNumber
in deploy_output.json
"l1Config" : {
"chainId": 5,
"polygonZkEVMAddress": "", // From ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json polygonZkEVMAddress
"maticTokenAddress": "", // From ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json maticTokenAddress
"polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress": "" // polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress from ~/zkevm/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json
"genesisBlockNumber": 9500870, // deploymentBlockNumber from ~/zkevm/zkevm-contracts
# add above to head of file, leave all remaining fields intact
Update node config file¶
Edit ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/testnet/public.node.config.toml
with the following values. The config file is large and we’ll update the documentation in the future to list only the updated parameters.
Click to expand the node.config.toml
```bash vim ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/testnet/public.node.config.toml
IsTrustedSequencer = true
Environment = "development"
Level = "debug"
Outputs = ["stderr","stdout"]
User = "state_user"
Password = "state_password"
Name = "state_db"
Host = "zkevm-state-db"
Port = "5432"
EnableLog = false
MaxConns = 200
FreeClaimGasLimit = 1500000
DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed = 1000000000
MinAllowedGasPriceInterval = "5m"
PollMinAllowedGasPriceInterval = "15s"
User = "pool_user"
Password = "pool_password"
Name = "pool_db"
Host = "zkevm-pool-db"
Port = "5432"
EnableLog = false
MaxConns = 200
URL = "http://localhost:8845" # put a valid Goerli node
MultiGasProvider = false
L1URL = "http://localhost:8845" # put a valid Goerli node
L2URLs = ["http://X.X.X.X:8545"] # your public IP
ApiKey = "" # Etherscan API key
Host = ""
Port = 8545
ReadTimeoutInSec = 60
WriteTimeoutInSec = 60
MaxRequestsPerIPAndSecond = 5000
SequencerNodeURI = ""
BroadcastURI = ""
DefaultSenderAddress = "0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
EnableL2SuggestedGasPricePolling = true
Enabled = true
Port = 8546
SyncInterval = "5s"
SyncChunkSize = 500
trustedSequencerURL = "http://X.X.X.X:8545" # your public IP
URI = "zkevm-prover:50061"
URI = "zkevm-prover:50071"
Host = ""
Port = 9091
Enabled = true
ProfilingHost = ""
ProfilingPort = 6060
ProfilingEnabled = false
WaitPeriodPoolIsEmpty = "1s"
WaitPeriodSendSequence = "15s"
LastBatchVirtualizationTimeMaxWaitPeriod = "10s"
BlocksAmountForTxsToBeDeleted = 100
FrequencyToCheckTxsForDelete = "12h"
MaxTxsPerBatch = 150
MaxBatchBytesSize = 129848
MaxCumulativeGasUsed = 30000000
MaxKeccakHashes = 468
MaxPoseidonHashes = 279620
MaxPoseidonPaddings = 149796
MaxMemAligns = 262144
MaxArithmetics = 262144
MaxBinaries = 262144
MaxSteps = 8388608
WeightBatchBytesSize = 1
WeightCumulativeGasUsed = 1
WeightKeccakHashes = 1
WeightPoseidonHashes = 1
WeightPoseidonPaddings = 1
WeightMemAligns = 1
WeightArithmetics = 1
WeightBinaries = 1
WeightSteps = 1
TxLifetimeCheckTimeout = "10m"
MaxTxLifetime = "3h"
MaxTxSizeForL1 = 131072
GERDeadlineTimeoutInSec = "2s"
ForcedBatchDeadlineTimeoutInSec = "60s"
SendingToL1DeadlineTimeoutInSec = "20s"
SleepDurationInMs = "100ms"
ResourcePercentageToCloseBatch = 10
GERFinalityNumberOfBlocks = 0
ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingL1Timeout = "10s"
ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingGER = "10s"
ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingForcedBatches = "10s"
ForcedBatchesFinalityNumberOfBlocks = 0
TimestampResolution = "15s"
PoolRetrievalInterval = "500ms"
ResourceCostMultiplier = 1000
WaitPeriodSendSequence = "5s"
LastBatchVirtualizationTimeMaxWaitPeriod = "5s"
MaxTxSizeForL1 = 131072
SenderAddress = "" # trustedSequencer address from deploy_output.json
PrivateKeys = [{Path = "/pk/sequencer.keystore", Password = "password"}]
Host = ""
Port = 50081
ForkId = 4
RetryTime = "5s"
VerifyProofInterval = "30s"
TxProfitabilityCheckerType = "acceptall"
TxProfitabilityMinReward = "1.1"
ProofStatePollingInterval = "5s"
SenderAddress = "" # trustedAggregator address from deploy_output.json
CleanupLockedProofsInterval = "2m"
GeneratingProofCleanupThreshold = "10m"
ForcedGas = 0
PrivateKeys = [
{Path = "/pk/sequencer.keystore", Password = "password"},
{Path = "/pk/aggregator.keystore", Password = "password"}
Database = "postgres"
User = "test_user"
Password = "test_password"
Name = "test_db"
Host = "zkevm-bridge-db"
Port = "5435"
MaxConns = 20
Store = "postgres"
Height = 32
GRPCPort = "9090"
HTTPPort = "8080"
GenBlockNumber = 9500870 # deploymentBlockNumber from deploy_output.json
PolygonZkEVMAddress = "" # polygonZkEVMAddress from deploy_output.json
PolygonBridgeAddress = "" # PolygonZkEVMBridge from genesis.json
PolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress = "" # polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress from deploy_output.json
MaticTokenAddress = "" # maticTokenAddress from deploy_output.json
L2PolygonBridgeAddresses = [""] # PolygonZkEVMBridge from genesis.json
L1ChainID = 5 # Goerli chainID
Type = "default"
DefaultGasPriceWei = 100000000
FrequencyToMonitorTxs = "1s"
PrivateKey = {Path = "/pk/sequencer.keystore", Password = "password"}
Enabled = true
Add wallets¶
Copy/paste keystore value from wallets.txt for sequencer/aggregator respectively:
# paste only the keystore value from wallets.txt in each respective file
vim ~/zkevm/zkevm-config/sequencer.keystore
vim ~/zkevm/zkevm-config/aggregator.keystore