Polygon brings you a trustless two-way transaction channel between Polygon PoS and Ethereum by introducing the cross-chain bridge. With this users can transfer tokens across Polygon PoS without incurring third-party risks and market liquidity limitations. “img/home/The PoS Bridge is available on both Mumbai Testnet as well as Polygon PoS Mainnet”img/home/. You can bridge assets to Polygon PoS using the Polygon Wallet Suite.
Polygon also offers the “img/home/zkEVM Bridge”img/home/ which can also be used via the Polygon Wallet Suite. This document is not about zkEVM Bridge.
“img/home/Polygon PoS bridge provides a bridging mechanism that is near-instant, low-cost, and quite flexible”img/home/.
“img/home/There is no change to the circulating supply of your token when it crosses the bridge”img/home/;
- Tokens that leave the Ethereum network are locked and the same number of tokens are minted on Polygon PoS as a pegged token (1:1).
- To move the tokens back to the Ethereum network, tokens are burned on Polygon PoS network and unlocked on Ethereum network during the process.