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Deploy node

First, create the following directories:

mkdir -p ~/zkevm/data/{statedb,pooldb} ~/zkevm/zkevm-config ~/zkevm/zkevm-node

Next, populate the directories by fetching data from latest node releases, for example with mainnet:

export ZKEVM_NET="mainnet"
export ZKEVM_DIR="zkevm"
curl -L$ > $ && unzip -o $ -d $ZKEVM_DIR && rm $

Copy the example.env file into .env file and open in editor:

export ZKEVM_CONFIG_DIR="/root/zkevm/zkevm-config"
cp ~/$ZKEVM_DIR/$ZKEVM_NET/example.env $ZKEVM_CONFIG_DIR/.env

In the .env file, set:

ZKEVM_NODE_ETHERMAN_URL = "http://localhost:8845"  # set valid Geth Goerli RPC endpoint
ZKEVM_NODE_STATEDB_DATA_DIR = "~/zkevm/data/statedb"
ZKEVM_NODE_POOLDB_DATA_DIR = "~/zkevm/data/pooldb"

Approve MATIC token for sequencer

Run the below command to launch a Hardhat console connected to the Goerli network.

cd ~/zkevm-contracts
npx hardhat console --network goerli

Here, you can utilize the JavaScript environment to interact with the Goerli network. In the console, run the following (you can copy all the code in one go):

const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider("http://localhost:8845"); // set Geth Goerli RPC node
const privateKey = ""; // From wallet.txt Trusted Sequencer prvkey
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);

const maticTokenFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(
maticTokenContract = maticTokenFactory.attach(""); // From ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json maticTokenAddress
maticTokenContractWallet = maticTokenContract.connect(wallet);
await maticTokenContractWallet.approve("", ethers.utils.parseEther("100.0")); // From ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json polygonZkEVMAddress

Configure genesis

Run the below commands to copy genesis.json file into appropriate location and open for editing:

cp ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/genesis.json ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/testnet/public.genesis.config.json
vim ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/testnet/public.genesis.config.json

Edit the file changing the following parameters from ~/zkevm/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_***/deploy_output.json.


The genesisBlockNumber is called deploymentBlockNumber in deploy_output.json.

"l1Config" : {
    "chainId": 5,
    "polygonZkEVMAddress": "", // From ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json polygonZkEVMAddress
    "maticTokenAddress": "", // From ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json maticTokenAddress
    "polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress": ""  // polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress from ~/zkevm/zkevm-contracts/deployments/goerli_*/deploy_output.json
 "genesisBlockNumber": 9500870,  // deploymentBlockNumber from ~/zkevm/zkevm-contracts
# add above to head of file, leave all remaining fields intact

Update node config file

Edit ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/testnet/public.node.config.toml with the following values. The config file is large and we’ll update the documentation in the future to list only the updated parameters.

Click to expand the node.config.toml file
vim ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/testnet/public.node.config.toml
IsTrustedSequencer = true
Environment = "development"
Level = "debug"
Outputs = ["stderr","stdout"]

User = "state_user"
Password = "state_password"
Name = "state_db"
Host = "zkevm-state-db"
Port = "5432"
EnableLog = false
MaxConns = 200

FreeClaimGasLimit = 1500000
DefaultMinGasPriceAllowed = 1000000000
MinAllowedGasPriceInterval = "5m"
PollMinAllowedGasPriceInterval = "15s"
    User = "pool_user"
    Password = "pool_password"
    Name = "pool_db"
    Host = "zkevm-pool-db"
    Port = "5432"
    EnableLog = false
    MaxConns = 200
URL = "http://localhost:8845"    # put a valid Goerli node
MultiGasProvider = false
L1URL = "http://localhost:8845"  # put a valid Goerli node
L2URLs = ["http://X.X.X.X:8545"]  # your public IP
    ApiKey = ""     # Etherscan API key

Host = ""
Port = 8545
ReadTimeoutInSec = 60
WriteTimeoutInSec = 60
MaxRequestsPerIPAndSecond = 5000
SequencerNodeURI = ""
BroadcastURI = ""
DefaultSenderAddress = "0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
EnableL2SuggestedGasPricePolling = true
            Enabled = true
            Port = 8546
SyncInterval = "5s"
SyncChunkSize = 500
trustedSequencerURL = "http://X.X.X.X:8545"  # your public IP

URI = "zkevm-prover:50061"

URI = "zkevm-prover:50071"

Host = ""
Port = 9091
Enabled = true
ProfilingHost = ""
ProfilingPort = 6060
ProfilingEnabled = false

WaitPeriodPoolIsEmpty = "1s"
WaitPeriodSendSequence = "15s"
LastBatchVirtualizationTimeMaxWaitPeriod = "10s"
BlocksAmountForTxsToBeDeleted = 100
FrequencyToCheckTxsForDelete = "12h"
MaxTxsPerBatch = 150
MaxBatchBytesSize = 129848
MaxCumulativeGasUsed = 30000000
MaxKeccakHashes = 468
MaxPoseidonHashes = 279620
MaxPoseidonPaddings = 149796
MaxMemAligns = 262144
MaxArithmetics = 262144
MaxBinaries = 262144
MaxSteps = 8388608
WeightBatchBytesSize = 1
WeightCumulativeGasUsed = 1
WeightKeccakHashes = 1
WeightPoseidonHashes = 1
WeightPoseidonPaddings = 1
WeightMemAligns = 1
WeightArithmetics = 1
WeightBinaries = 1
WeightSteps = 1
TxLifetimeCheckTimeout = "10m"
MaxTxLifetime = "3h"
MaxTxSizeForL1 = 131072
            GERDeadlineTimeoutInSec = "2s"
            ForcedBatchDeadlineTimeoutInSec = "60s"
            SendingToL1DeadlineTimeoutInSec = "20s"
            SleepDurationInMs = "100ms"
            ResourcePercentageToCloseBatch = 10
            GERFinalityNumberOfBlocks = 0
            ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingL1Timeout = "10s"
            ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingGER = "10s"
            ClosingSignalsManagerWaitForCheckingForcedBatches = "10s"
            ForcedBatchesFinalityNumberOfBlocks = 0
            TimestampResolution = "15s"
            PoolRetrievalInterval = "500ms"
            ResourceCostMultiplier = 1000
WaitPeriodSendSequence = "5s"
LastBatchVirtualizationTimeMaxWaitPeriod = "5s"
MaxTxSizeForL1 = 131072
SenderAddress = ""  # trustedSequencer address from deploy_output.json
PrivateKeys = [{Path = "/pk/sequencer.keystore", Password = "password"}]

Host = ""
Port = 50081
ForkId = 4
RetryTime = "5s"
VerifyProofInterval = "30s"
TxProfitabilityCheckerType = "acceptall"
TxProfitabilityMinReward = "1.1"
ProofStatePollingInterval = "5s"
SenderAddress = ""  # trustedAggregator address from deploy_output.json
CleanupLockedProofsInterval = "2m"
GeneratingProofCleanupThreshold = "10m"

ForcedGas = 0
PrivateKeys = [
    {Path = "/pk/sequencer.keystore", Password = "password"},
    {Path = "/pk/aggregator.keystore", Password = "password"}
Database = "postgres"
User = "test_user"
Password = "test_password"
Name = "test_db"
Host = "zkevm-bridge-db"
Port = "5435"
MaxConns = 20

Store = "postgres"
Height = 32

GRPCPort = "9090"
HTTPPort = "8080"

GenBlockNumber = 9500870     # deploymentBlockNumber from deploy_output.json
PolygonZkEVMAddress = ""  # polygonZkEVMAddress from deploy_output.json
PolygonBridgeAddress = ""  # PolygonZkEVMBridge from genesis.json
PolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress = ""  # polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress from deploy_output.json
MaticTokenAddress = ""  # maticTokenAddress from deploy_output.json
L2PolygonBridgeAddresses = [""]  # PolygonZkEVMBridge from genesis.json
L1ChainID = 5  # Goerli chainID

Type = "default"
DefaultGasPriceWei = 100000000

FrequencyToMonitorTxs = "1s"
PrivateKey = {Path = "/pk/sequencer.keystore", Password = "password"}
Enabled = true

Add wallets

Copy/paste keystore value from wallets.txt for sequencer/aggregator respectively:

# paste only the keystore value from wallets.txt in each respective file
vim ~/zkevm/zkevm-config/sequencer.keystore
vim ~/zkevm/zkevm-config/aggregator.keystore

Last update: January 17, 2024
Authors: avenbreaks